B.App.Sci Phty
Physiothérapeute du sport
Régulièrement invitée en tant que conférencière de renommée internationale.
A développé une approche logique et progressive de l’évaluation, du diagnostic, de la réadaptation et de la prise en charge de la ceinture scapulaire et scapulaire.
- 2019 : Membre de l’Australian Physiotherapy Association, Shoulder & Elbow Physiotherapists Australasia et Shoulder & Elbow society of Australia.
- 1996 : Début des recherches cliniques publiées sur la réhabilitation de l’instabilité multidirectionnelle, l’épaule gelée et l’hydrodilatation, le syndrome du défilé thoraco-bracchial, l’instabilité articulaire gléno-humérale, la réadaptation de la coiffe des rotateurs, la biomécanique scapulaire et les tests cliniques.
- Professeure adjointe de recherche à l’Université Western, Ontario Canada.
- Cours de Physiothérapie de l’épaule (28 ans) (Royaume-Uni, Canada, France, Norvège, États-Unis).
- Consultant pour :
- Australia’s Olympic and Commonwealth Games Swimming and Track and Field teams.
- Collingwood, Western Bulldogs and GWS Footballs Club.
- Australian, Victorian and BBL cricket players.
- Professional tennis & baseball players.
- Professional racing car drivers.
- 2016 : Doctorat en Physiothérapie, University of Latrobe.
- 2000 : Titre de Physiothérapeute du sport.
- 1990 : Diplôme d’études supérieures en thérapie manuelle.
- 1986 : Licence en physiothérapie avec distinction.
2017 – A comprehensive rehabilitation program for posterior instability of the shoulder. Pizzari T, Hoy G, Warby S, Watson L, Sadi J, Balster S.
Journal of Hand Therapy Vol 30(182-192)
2017 – Rehabilitation of symptomatic atraumatic degenerative rotator cuff tears: A clinical commentary on assessment and management. Bleichert S, Renaud G, MacDermid J, Watson L, Faber K, Lenssen R, Saulnier M, Phillips P, Evans T, Sadi J.
Journal of Hand Therapy Vol 30(2): 125-135.
2017 – Comparison of 2 Exercise Rehabilitation Programs for Multidirectional Instability of the Glenohumeral Joint: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Warby S, Ford J, Hahne A, Watson L, Balster S, Lenssen R and Pizzari T.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine Vol 46(1): 87 – 97.
2017 – A comparison of isometric, isotonic concentric and isotonic eccentric exercises in the physiotherapy management of subacromial pain syndrome/rotator cuff tendinopathy: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Kinsella R, Cowan S, Watson, Pizzari T.
Pilot and Feasibility Studies Vol3:45
2016 – The treatment of multidirectional instability of the shoulder with a rehabilitation program: Part 1. Watson L, Warby S, Balster S, Lenssen R, Pizzari T.
Shoulder & Elbow: 1758573216652086
2009 – Altered muscle activation patterns in multidirectional shoulder instability during dynamic abduction. Pizzari, T. Wickham, J. Watson, L. Zika, M. Hill, S.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12, Supplement 1: S4
2007 – Hydrodilatation (Distension Arthrography); A Long Term Clinical Outcome Series. Watson L, Bialocerkowski A, Dalziel R, Balster S, Burke F, Finch C.
British Journal of Sports Medicine 41:167-173
2005 – Measurement of Scapula Upward Rotation: A Reliable Clinical Procedure. Watson L, Balster S, Finch C and Dalziel R.
British Journal of Sports Medicine 39:599-603
2005 – A new clinical outcome measure of glenohumeral joint instability: The MISS questionnaire. Watson L, Story I, Dalziel R, Hoy G, Shimmin A, Woods D.
Journal of Shoulder; Elbow Surgery, 14(1):22-30
2000 – Frozen Shoulder: a 12-month clinical outcome trial. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Watson L, Dalziel R, Story I.
1997 – Upper trapezius muscle activity during the brachial plexus tension test in asymptomatic subjects. Watson L, Balster S. Jull G.
1996 – Conservative Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome by Scapula Strengthening Techniques. Shoulder Surgery The Asian Perspective. Asian Shoulder Association. Watson L, Dalziel R.
ed. Allan Skirving. Vol.2, p219-222